Sunday, November 05, 2006

Repost: "Sadness"

Dear Reader,

I've reposted an entry, below, after pulling it down at the request of the person about whom it is primarily written.

I've made this repost for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it's how I still feel, and it helps me to get my feelings out here.

I was also told by a friend, who has watched me go through the throes of the interaction with the gentleman in question, that I was a wimp to pull the entry because he didn't like it. I was trying to be amenable to him, but she's right. I didn't want to do a tit-for-tat with him, but it's not as if he didn't hurt me terribly, not once but twice.

In addition, I am assuming that he won't bother to look at this blog again after his initial perusal. He told me right out that he didn't bother to remember anything we talked about while we were seeing one another, including telling me about his girlfriend, which he did, twice. He has ceased replying to my emails, so I think I am making a safe assumption. I am also assuming that nothing I can say or do will make any difference or have any impact on him; to him, I am beneath notice. And I'm not trying to have any impact on him; I just want to post my entries as I see fit. If by some fluke he does visit again, well, "so sei es." Maybe we'll have something to discuss, though I doubt it.

I'm working on a couple of more topical, less burdensome columns, and I hope to get those posted soon. I do appreciate having this venue to vent in, even if no one is really reading!


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